Saturday, March 14, 2009

New York

Friday the 13th.  It was the day I boarded a plane to New York, the day traces of deja vu continually reemerged: the familiar site of tiles on my bathtub.  I remember that memory, but it happened so long ago.  How could I just be seeing it now I thought.  Some other moment in the day felt familiar, I think it may have been when I was helping out Elderberry Elementary School.  "For some reason, talking with her made me feel nervous, but I got over it..." I wrote the passage when I was writing in my diary thousands of feet above the ground.  At that moment, it hit me again, deja vu.  

What is deja vu?  There is no universally accepted answer, and no universal belief in the existence of the phenomenon.  The firing of neurons in the brain is the explanation by psychobiologists.  Others believe in a form of spirtual or paranormal explanation for the occurance.

"What is deja vu?" I asked Frank who was sitting next to me on theplane.  He spoke of reincarnation, which I do believe in to some extent.  I was introduced to the concept during my upbringing.  He interpreted deja vu as a recollection of meeting others, "kindred spirits" perhaps in a former life.  but deja vu is a memory of an isolated event from this life I suggested.  
He spoke of time travel.  Perhaps there is no past or present life, just a single life, but he said,  "Reality is not constant.  Time and space are relative.  Everything is connected.  It's just how you manipulate it."  Then he ended with," I can't wait to get some fucking pizza."  

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